Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Please help me raise funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society!!

Last year after completing the Bike MS 150 ride to raise funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society with my dad, I swore that not only would we (my dad and I) do this mitsva (good deed) again every year until the wheels fall off our bikes, but I would get on to my fund raising earlier in the year. Yet, here it is less than a month from roll out and I am just now writing this plea. (subliminal message: donate to my MS 150 ride)

I will admit that I procrastinated. (subliminal message: your donation could help find a cure for MS) I could have made it my new year's resolution to write my plea. Or promised that as a birthday present to myself I would write my plea. Or taken a couple hours one random weekend to sit down and write. 

But, I didn't.

And I didn't.

And I didn't. (subliminal message: go here to donate)

And then life went astray. I write this as I sit in the Family Care room outside the ICU, smelling another family's fried chicken dinner, and waiting to hear what the next step will be in my husband's recovery from a season filled with injury, ill health, and a massive dose of bad luck.

This summer has taught me a lot about illness, injury, health, caregiving and support. Illness, whether acute or chronic, affects everyone in a person's family and social circle. Although my life has not been touched directly by MS, my experiences over the last 3 months have given me a much greater appreciation of what people with MS, or any chronic disease, and their families go through day in, and day out. (subliminal message: I need to raise a minimum of $500)

In case you were wondering, this is what 400,000 people looks like
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The disease is progressive and increasingly debilitating. In the U.S. there are about 400,000 affected people and 2.1 million in the world. So, it is likely that you know of a relative or a friend who has MS. Most people are diagnosed between 20 and 50 years of age and two-thirds are women. The MS Society supports research, education and provides support for individuals and families.

The MS 150 bike ride is a major fundraising event in the eastern half of North Carolina for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The ride is held in New Bern, NC on the weekend of September 7/8. (subliminal message: donate NOW!) This is the second year that I will be participating and I am thrilled that I will again be riding with my dad who has done this ride for the past 5 years.

The MS 150 is a opportunity for me to pay it forward: To try to help improve the lives of people with MS, their families, and their friends. Last year 2,100 bike riders participated in the 150 miles over two days to raise $1.7 million for research and education on MS and support for individuals and families. It is also a wonderful opportunity for me to share some quality time with my dad.  Last year, we went the distance - the full 150 miles over 2 days. (subliminal message: if my dad, who will be 74 years young this year, can ride a bike 150 miles over 2 days, you can support our ride with a few dollars.) I can't describe what it means to me to undertake a ride like this with my first riding partner. Given the circumstances of this summer, I don’t know that we will be up for the full distance but we will be out there no matter how many miles we are able to log.

By making a donation in my name to the MS Society, you will be supporting my efforts, ensuring that I don't have to supplement my donations in order to be allowed to ride (subliminal reminder: I have to raise $500), and most importantly aiding the MS Society’s program.

To contribute, go to:, and follow the directions (click on Donate), fill in my name, click on the name when it appears in the box, click on Donate to Participant and make the donation). Or, you can send a check made out to the ‘MS Society’ to me: 998 Ralph McGill Blvd, NE, Atlanta GA 30306.
Thank you for your support for the MS Society and its programs, and thank you for making this into a group effort for all of us together.

(subliminal message: have you donated yet??) 

Bike MS

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