And this is a female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly?
And so is this?
And that they are all the same species because the female is dimorphic?
I bet you didn't know that.
Ok, smartypants, maybe you did know that.
Ok, smartypants, maybe you did know that.
But I bet you didn't know that your donation to my MS 150 bike ride can help researchers find a cure for multiple sclerosis and provide support to more than 400,000 people living with MS and their families?
Also, did you know that if you don't donate I will set my aggressive dimorphic eastern tiger swallowtail on you?

Ok, so that's a dragonfly, which is neither aggressive nor dimorphic.
But you should still donate. Use this link.
PS - Thanks.
PPS - All photos were taken in my parents' garden in NC
PPPS - did you donate yet?