Thursday, August 8, 2019

Did you know? Donations are like butterflies...

Did you know that this is a male Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly?

And this is a female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly?

And so is this?

And that they are all the same species because the female is dimorphic?

I bet you didn't know that.

Ok, smartypants, maybe you did know that.

But I bet you didn't know that your donation to my MS 150 bike ride can help researchers find a cure for multiple sclerosis and provide support to more than 400,000 people living with MS and their families?


Also, did you know that if you don't donate I will set my aggressive dimorphic eastern tiger swallowtail on you?

Ok, so that's a dragonfly, which is neither aggressive nor dimorphic.

But you should still donate. Use this link.

PS - Thanks.

PPS - All photos were taken in my parents' garden in NC

PPPS - did you donate yet?

Friday, August 2, 2019

An uninspired plea

O...M...G!! I have FIVE weeks and $1500 to raise before this year's MS 150 bike ride in New Bern NC (which, fortunately, is no longer under water because my underwater biking skills are terrible).

Please help me raise this amount (or more!!) by DONATING NOW!!



Pretty please?

Here's some info to help sway you to DONATE NOW!

It feels like every day we are inundated with the bad: climate change, economic sanctions, the possibility that a bagel with lox and cream cheese might cause cancer (nooooo!).

This is your chance to focus on the good. The good you can do and the positive impact you can have on people with multiple sclerosis and their families.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The disease is progressively and increasingly debilitating. In the U.S. there are about 400,000 people living with MS, and 2.1 million people with MS worldwide, so it is likely that you have a friend or relative who is living with MS.

The MS 150 bike ride is sponsored by the National MS Society and is a 2 day fundraising event held on the coast of North Carolina. My father and I will be participating for the 7th time together this year and plan to ride 150(ish) miles (either individually or collectively...time will tell).

The money raised helps the National MS Society support research and education, as well as provide support for individuals and their families. More than 2000 cyclists of all levels and backgrounds come together with the shared goal of raising awareness and funds to help people with MS and their families live longer, healthier lives.

Please help me raise more money than I have in years past (and more than my dad so I get bragging rights until next year).

Thank you!